Among all of the services we offer, our most popular and most customer-recommended services are our Highlight Videos & Photo Montages. Very popular among high school sports teams and high school seniors looking for college recruiting videos, Highlight Videos & Photo Montages consist of footage provided to us such as video, stills, audio put to carefully selected music tracks to create a one-of-a-kind memory. Highlight Videos & Photo Montages can be created from a number of different events such as sports teams, birthdays, graduations, and weddings.

Our owner, Sarah Klemm, personally creates each Highlight Video or Photo Montage by carefully selecting from footage and/or pictures provided to her of your sports team/family/event. These selections will then be creatively edited to music tracks to create a memory video lasting anywhere from 10-45 minutes long depending upon the package chosen.

Packages can be made to include a copy for each athlete on a team, or smaller events such as a Birthday Surprise can include only a few copies for the Birthday Guest and a few loved ones. Each Highlight Video is priced individually based on the criteria listed on the Prices Page. We are happy to work with any budget and provide you a few options of what your particular budget can produce.